
Counselor CornerCounselor Advice

CMS Counselors:

Yulinda Beckum
Krystal Morris

What Does a School Counselor Do?

Parents, the press, administrators and the general public often wonder just what it is that school counselors do on a daily basis. Gone are the days of school counselors sitting in their office simply handing out college applications, making schedule changes for students who want to drop a class or meeting with the troublemakers in the school. Today's school counselors are vital members of the education team. We help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career development, ensuring today's students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow.

Need an Appointment?

Students who want to meet with their counselor should schedule an appointment. Students are required to have a pass from their teacher to meet with their counselor during class time. Parents who would like to schedule an appointment with the counselors should call or e-mail the counselor assigned to serving their child. 

How do Counselors implement College and Career Readiness in Middle School?

We focus on preparing middle school students for college and career readiness through activities and programs, such as a career day or week, a parent/student night, scheduling for high school, transitions to and from middle school, classroom lessons and more.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the importance in preparing middle school students for college and career readiness.
  • Coordinate and implement college and career readiness activities and programs in the middle school setting.
  • Utilize effective materials such as flyers, scheduling sheets, and student surveys in preparation for implementing middle school college and career readiness.

Testing Tips

  • Get some rest (6-8 hours of sleep each night)
  • Fuel your body! (Eat breakfast)
  • Wear comfortable clothes (but within dress code)
  • Be at school on time

Parent's Homework Tips

  • Show that you think education and homework are important
  • Do homework at the same time daily
  • Pick a specific place to do homework (kitchen table, desk, etc.)
  • Remove distractions (turn off television and/or cell phone)
  • Provide supplies and identify resources (dictionary, ruler, calculator, pencil sharpener, etc.)
  • Set a good example (let student see you read, use math as in balancing a checkbook, measuring items, etc.)
  • Be interested and involved in the school as much as possible

Monitor Assignments

  • Ask about the school's homework policy
  • Be available
  • Look over completed assignments
  • Monitor time spent viewing TV and playing video games

How to Help

  • Help your child get organized
  • Use an agenda/planner
  • Encourage good study habits
  • Talk about the assignments
  • Watch for frustration
  • Give praise
  • Talk to the teacher(s) about your concerns
  • Work with the teacher

(Homework Tips provided from the U.S. Department of Education)

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